Fallout 4 latest patch february 2016
Fallout 4 latest patch february 2016

  • Added status menu for settlers in your settlements.
  • New weapon debris effects (PC NVIDIA cards).
  • New ambient occlusion setting, HBAO+ (PC).
  • The full patch notes are as follows (via the Bethesda Blog): Other fixes include amends for broken questlines and bugs that prevent you from using companions like Dogmeat or Preston after certain missions. There are a few other nifty additions in this patch, like the new status menu for denizens of your settlements and companions can no longer get stuck with radiation poisoning. The location in question contains a puzzle lock on its door that players were simply unable to interact with if they completed tasks in the wrong order. The bug in question prevented players from re-entering the Railroad Headquarters after being kicked out of the Brotherhood of Steel. He wasn't alone in this as it was apparently a relatively common glitch. This is important because it fixes the bug that prevented Wes from finishing the game after 91 goddamn hours. You can now re-enter the Railroad Headquarters. Well, at least it's here now.įallout 4's 1.3 update is out now on PC with a release planned later this week on PS4 and Xbox One. It was originally due to arrive before the weekend on console. The patch launched last week for PC and is detailed below.

    fallout 4 latest patch february 2016 fallout 4 latest patch february 2016 fallout 4 latest patch february 2016

    UPDATE 9/2/16 4.05pm: PlayStation 4 and Xbox One owners can now finally download Fallout 4's 1.3 update.

    Fallout 4 latest patch february 2016